+61 451 772 822 info@bvcsupport.com.au
BestVicCare eStore

Here is a list of products we are bringing to this eStore real soon.

♦ Aids for Daily Living Aids

♦ Alternative and Augmentative Communication Devices

♦ Disposable Infection Control

♦ Healthcare Crockery

♦ Patient Underwear & Clothing

♦ Protective Clothing

♦ Safety Equipment

♦ Mobility Aids

♦ Seating and Positioning Equipment

♦ Computer Access Aids

♦ Environmental Controls

♦ Home Modifications, Vehicle Modifications and Workplace Modifications

♦ Prosthetics and Orthodontics

♦ Sensory Aids

♦ Recreation Devices

♦ Safety Equipment

Engaging NDIS participants facing Additional Challenges

We support communities from Culturally And Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds to access the NDIS and supports.

Dalyston, VIC 3992
(Bass Coast Shire, Gippsland)

Shepparton, VIC 3630
(North East Melbourne)